Service Families
Higher Education
"If your parent(s) or carer(s) is serving as a Regular or Reservist in the UK Armed Forces, or has done so in the past, your experience of applying to higher education may be different to students from a non-service background.
For example, you may have moved schools more often than most students, or you may have felt unable to participate in extra-curricular activities.
Universities and colleges understand that service children may experience disruption to their education, or may have been restricted in their course choices.
They’re also aware that young people can face additional challenges when a parent or carer is deployed.
They are keen to know about your circumstances, because it allows them to consider your academic achievements in context.
If you feel you have missed any skills or knowledge, they may be able to help through workshops or summer schools."
(Quoted from UCAS - Students from a UK Armed Forces background)
Help with going to University
The following links provide information on some of the support available for service children going on to Higher Education:
UCAS - Students from a UK Armed Forces Background
SCiP - HE student case studies and ‘Making the most of my assets’ worksheet
Newcastle University - Military Families PARTNERS Programme
Some institutions make contextualised offers for students from a military family. It is worth checking with the universities you are considering, to see what additional support they can offer. For example Newcastle University have the PARTNERS program.
The Royal British Legion - President's Award Scheme Bursaries
The Royal British Legion offer a bursary to support students who are applying to University under the Presidents Award Scheme (PAS).
Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund (LKNMF)
The Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund offers up to 25 scholarships, with the value of each scholarship in the region of £1500.
Service Children's Experiences of University
Watch the videos below to hear about different Service Children's experiences of University:
Evangeline: moving confidence - A Military Children Education Resource
(approx. 1 minute long)
Steffi: being resilient at University - A Military Children Education Resource
(approx. 1.5 minutes long)
Equipped to Make Friends - A Military Children Education Resource
(approx. 1 minute long)