Work Experience

The following short video explains the benefit of work experience for your child and how you can help them to find a placement.
More information can be found on the Success at School website.

Parent's guide to work experience
(approx. 2 mins long)

The Teachers section of our website also has information on preparing for work experience and virtual work experience.

Why is work experience important?

  • Key Skills - Work experience is an excellent opportunity for young people to develop skills and aptitudes that are needed in the ‘world of work’.
  • Career Development - High quality work experience placements will raise awareness of the potential career pathways into different sectors and enhance your child’s understanding of the qualification requirements that they need to meet to succeed with their career aspirations.
  • Job Opportunities - Networks and contacts established during work experience can lead to potential employment and apprenticeship opportunities.
  • Personal Development - It can help build self-confidence, interpersonal skills and maturity.

What can I do as a parent/ carer?

  • Many young people lack the confidence to make phone calls to potential employers. Sit down with your young person and rehearse what they will say and potential questions employers might ask.
  • Help your child to think about the clothing that they might wear on work experience.
  • Help your child to plan their journey to their placement so that they arrive in plenty of time.
  • Speak to friends and family to see whether their work places have the potential to support a work placement.

Who can help?

  • If your child is struggling to secure a high-quality, relevant placement, speak to their school or college to see how they could help.
  • Friends and family might be able to provide a placement within a local business or organisation.
  • Contact your Local Enterprise Partnership to see if there are any local businesses and organisations who might be able to provide a work experience opportunity.

Some useful information about work experience can also be found on the
Teachers section of our website.